XDīoxcryptor: to encrypt all the files on, Onedrive, googleDrive, Dropbox, Owncloud ProjectLibre: Because organizing projects with an international team and getting things done in time is important. I can’t recomend this enough.ĬmapTools: for mindmapping and collaborative brainstorming mostly Laverna: for note taking, ToDo lists, tasks etc. Thunderbird + Lightning: for Email, RSS, Newsletters, Ghoper (Yes I still use that ¬_¬) and calendaring. Songbird: for my music listening and organization needs. VLC: for watching movies, online streams, etc.
I tend to use apps that give me control over MY files and MY data and his metadata, even more so if they are multiplattform since I don’t use only windows.
MyTube! for when I want a touch-based dedicated UWP YouTube client. The newly added team chat features could change that). KeyBase - For signed and secure filesharing (and chat, though I almost never use it for that. JRiver Media Center - For everything local and networked music and video… after I reskin it. Everything Search - As noted above, really fast search and I often use it as an application launcher. OneNote- Because the UWP version handles pen input better than pretty much any other notetaking application I’ve tried. Write!- A pretty great markdown compatible text editor/notetaking application that is a lot more minimal and focused on writing than OneNote and some of the applications I’ve used. Visual Studio Code - My main code editor and development environment these days. I use it for pretty much everything I do for UI mockups and general graphic design. Affinity Designer - Vector Design application (formerly Mac exclusive).
Snip - Another screen snipping tool, just from MS Garage this time.CopySpace - A clipboard history and sync app that works across almost every platform (No Linux, sadly).